HRH the Prince of Wales on a tour of the Highlands and Islands with visits including the Highland stoneware pottery at Lochinver, a woollen mill on Lewis, an electronics factory on Skye and fudge and ...
The Corpus Christi procession from St. Joseph's Church Kilmarnock to Nazareth House (Convent of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth). [Part of a collection of films concerning the Catholic liturgical practi...
Wild flowers at Umanak, Greenland and the Governor of Greenland gives a coffee party.
A woman botanist collects wild flowers and local women make baskets on the island of Unalaska.
Fire and Civil Defence demonstration at Holyrood Park, Edinburgh and inspection and parade of Fire Brigades on Princes Street. [Kodachrome].
Join in all the fun of Ardeer Sports and Gala Day, 1954.
The ordination and induction ceremony of James Davidson for the Easterhouse Baptist Church 1960. General views of the programme of events, the dignitaries and congregation. Footage of women making an...
Promotional film on behalf of Dunoon & Cowal Tourist Board in the mid-1970s, highlighting the attractions of the town and its catchment area.
"Rivers and Tides" (1998-2001)
Natasja Juul in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Michael Shannon in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Episode: Gene Ratio
Rosana Pastor, Ian Hart
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Tamara Samonte
Episode: Ein kurzer Moment
To tvillingebrødre, den ene, Gino, en dygtig medicin-studerende, den anden, Nicky, noget langsom i optrækket efter en ulykke i barndommen. Nicky bliver passet af Gino. En dag ser Nicky en dreng bliv...
Ginger and her friend Rosa was born on the same day at the same hospital and here lies the reason for their friendship which they cherish throughout their childhood. Politically, The Cold War is high ...
Fortælling inspireret af de tyske ekspressionistiske film fra 1920'erne. En lille landsby hærges af en ukendt morder, der slår til i skyggerne og tågen. En lille mand, Kleinman, involveres i jagte...
Woody Allen stiller skarpt på parforhold i krise. Ægteparret Judy og Gabe får et chok, da deres bedste venner fortæller, at de vil flytte fra hinanden, og de begynder nu at betragte deres eget for...
Irland og USA i slutningen af det 19. århundrede. To unge mennesker, han fattig og hun rig, er begge besat af drømmen om det forjættede land, Amerika. Efter mange trængsler, kan de sammen starte e...