Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s eighth documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking back at the work to create a radiation map of the surrounding area and the establishment of the Institu...
Russisch oorlogsdrama met opera-diva Geraldine Farrar in één van haar glansrollen als boerenmeisje. Russisch oorlogsdrama over de liefde tussen een boerendochter en een Russische tsarenprins ten tij...
Amateur footage of people in Glasgow's Botanic Gardens, traffic on Great Western Road and street scenes in the city.
An amateur film shot in the mid 1980s showing various leisure activities in and around the Perthshire town of Crieff including; water sports, pony trekking, BMX bikes, raft river racing, and radio con...
Educational film examining the different stages involved in pregnancy.
A colourful tour of the Braemar area, Aberdeenshire.
TV documentary about Chinese families living and working in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the problems they face in terms of housing, education, work and community relations, and the provisions in place to a...
388 - Verdun - Ravin de la Caillette
0115 - Butte de Souain - Boyau de Jura (Marne)
31112 - Mailly - Russian troups (Mailly-Maillet, Somme, Picardie)
31105 - Verdun - Excavated bodies Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
23220 Chauny - Une rue (Département Aisne, Picardie)
23220 Chauny - A street (Aisne, Picardie)
23294 - Fort de la Pompelle - Reims
23294 - Fort de la Pompelle - Reims (aka Fort Herbillon) Marne
23088 - Artois - Cornqilles - German trenches Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
32989 - Argonne - Clermont in ruins Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
Da kvinden, June pludselig løber ind i den fremmede verdensmand, Roy Miller, der også viser sig at være mesterspion, forandrer hendes liv sig på en måde hun aldrig havde forestillet sig. June få...
Forfatterinden Anaïs Nin mødte Henry Miller i Paris i 1931 og hans anarkistiske livsstil var noget helt nyt og spændende for hende. Året efter kom Henrys kone, June, også til Paris, og både Henr...
Et æsel spærrer vejen. FN-soldater og lokale mødes. Ingen forstår hinanden, og den simple forhindring forvandler sig hurtigt til en konflikt af babelske dimensioner. Den korteste vej mellem mennes...
Kort melodrama: De Chinees Sang Lee ontfermt zich over een blank kind (Jack). Twintig jaar later verdedigt Jack, als prominent advocaat, zijn ten onrechte beschuldigde pleegvader in de rechtbank.
Wanneer de inmiddels rijke Jack zijn vroegere geliefde per toeval op het witte doek ziet, gaat meteen op zoek naar haar.