Baron Felix and Madame Vera Wadjevska, a pair of con artists, have gotten their hands on a manor in Oslo, after stealing the deceased owner's identity papers while abroad. The dead man's nephew, Helge...
This documentary is dedicated to Luigi Mercantini’s poetry and to the events of the Risorgimento related to it. Particular reference is made to “Spigolatrice di Sapri” and to “Inno di Ga...
The life of the philosopher Antonio Rosmini in the historical, political and cultural dimensions of the Risorgimento.
The history and life of the military corps the Grenadiers of Sardinia.
The work and the life of the writer Giovanni Boine.
The emergency reconstruction after the 1915 earthquake is still the core of many villages of the Marsica area (in Abruzzo). This documentary is about the villages hit by the earthquake in their ...
At the end of the Second World War politicians including Alcide De Gasperi, Jean Monnet, Paul Henri Spaak, Robert Schumann, Konrad Adenauer fought a tough battle for European unity. The end of c...
This film is also known by the title "L’ipocrita smascherato". In respect to other FAI films, it contains quite an innovative scene, in which the loan shark is on a train, looking out the wind...
Hans Klering, Alice Treff
Henny Porten
Filmplakat 02
Peter Kraus
Szene mit Rade Serbedzija (vorne)
Liesl Karlstadt, Karl Valentin
Szene mit Gustav Fröhlich
Szene mit Cate Blanchett
On the staging and filming of a party on the allied armies in the WWI.
Romantische avonturenfilm waarin het meisje Betty, die over piraten droomt, en haar vader, een goedgelovige professor is, bedrogen worden door een stel echte zeerovers. Ze worden gered door een jongem...