The young hothead Billy is drifting into a life of crime and has a violent quarrel with his girlfriend Nelly. The lay preacher John Redmond tells Billy his life's story. Many years before, he was a we...
On the staging and filming of a party on the allied armies in the WWI.
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
Costume excerpt for "Kampf um Rom. 1. Teil", part of "Julia" played by Ingrid Boulting.
Daily call sheet for 29 June 1958 for the shooting of "Ihr 106. Geburtstag".
Freigabebescheinigung der FSK
Brief der Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin an das bayerische Innenministerium vom 17.11.1930.
Brief des bayerischen Innenministeriums mit Antrag auf Widerruf der Zulassung des Bildstreifens "Frauennot - Frauenglück" an die Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin vom 06.12.1930.
Italian screenplay (version from February 1968, excerpt) for "Kampf um Rom. 2. Teil: Der Verrat".