As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
A cartoon combining drawings and live footage, in which a drawing comes to life while its author isn't there. The film's director began as a political cartoonist and in 1914 founded Bray Studios, amon...
Misdaaddrama over de rivaliteit van twee mannen betreffende een nieuwe uitvinding en een leuk meisje.
Film used against itself, in an essay on the entanglement of mistery and religious merchandising where the kino-spirit rules instead of the kino-eye.
Panoramic shot over Santiago de Compostela. A crowd in the streets attends a procession followed by a parade of men with hats, women with veils, people with masks and music bands.
The regiments are as follows. The Civil Service Rifles (a battalion of the Royal Fusiliers). The London Scottish (1/14th Battalion, the London Regiment). Pipers of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlander...
Romantische avonturenfilm waarin het meisje Betty, die over piraten droomt, en haar vader, een goedgelovige professor is, bedrogen worden door een stel echte zeerovers. Ze worden gered door een jongem...
Five reels of stockshots of the Western Front, with no apparent theme or linking sequence. The majority of the material for all but the final reel comes from IWM 191 BATTLE OF THE SOMME. The majority ...
Eesti rahvuskongressist osavõtjad.
Inimesed lugemas teadet Vene tsaari võimu lõppemisest ajalehe „Postimees“ toimetuse akna juures.
Viljandi skaudid ja gaidid. Keskel istub Viljandi kihelkonnakooli õpetaja Jakob Meerits.
Viljandi Vene Seltskondliku Ühisuse hoone ehitus.
(Reel 1) The full map shows Europe from Dover east to Frankfurt, and Antwerp south to Orléans. In various stages the map shows the five main phase lines of the war: the furthest German advance of 191...
Between 28-30 December 1917, Padua suffered three air raids by Austrian aircraft. After the first, The Times of London reported:"December 29. : Yesterday evening at 9 p.m. enemy airmen, true to their...
01 - Estero Rotative di giornali e titoli sugli avvenimenti che stanno sconvolgendo l’Europa dell’est: in Polonia la rivolta degli studenti contro il regime, in Cecoslovacchia le dimissioni ...
Reportage van de bedrijvigheid op en om het water van Amsterdam, vooral in de havens. Aan het einde beelden van het vertrek van een oceaanstomer naar, vermoedelijk, Nederlands-Indië.
Costume excerpt for "Kampf um Rom. 1. Teil", part of "Julia" played by Ingrid Boulting.
Daily call sheet for 29 June 1958 for the shooting of "Ihr 106. Geburtstag".
Freigabebescheinigung der FSK
Brief der Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin an das bayerische Innenministerium vom 17.11.1930.
Brief des bayerischen Innenministeriums mit Antrag auf Widerruf der Zulassung des Bildstreifens "Frauennot - Frauenglück" an die Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin vom 06.12.1930.
Italian screenplay (version from February 1968, excerpt) for "Kampf um Rom. 2. Teil: Der Verrat".