Der alte Farmer Abga lebt mit seiner Enkelin Asida in Georgien am Fuße des Kaukasus-Gebirges. Eines Tages beschließt er, auf einer kleinen Insel auf dem Enguri-Fluss Mais anzupflanzen. Die Insel ent...
The documentary film accompanies a project by chorographer Heike Henning who invited four former professional dance performancers, who were all nearing the age of 80, to return to the stage despite th...
Experimentelle und zugleich texttreue Adaption der Erzählung "Lenz" von Georg Büchner: Die Regisseurin Isabelle Krötsch und der Schauspieler Hans Kremer reisten auf den Spuren des Texts nach Walder...
Dem elfjährigen Jonas fällt zuhause die Decke auf den Kopf. Seit Papas Tod ist nichts mehr, wie es war, und er will nur noch weg. Über die Sommerferien in die Slowakei, zu seinem Opa, genauso wie f...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 18. Dezember 2016 stellte Regisseur Florian Hoffmeister seinen F...
The regiments are as follows. The Civil Service Rifles (a battalion of the Royal Fusiliers). The London Scottish (1/14th Battalion, the London Regiment). Pipers of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlander...
News items West Flanders. Amongst others, a visit by King Baudouin to Nieuwpoort, West Flanders, laying wreaths at the statue of his grandfather King Albert I, shaking hands with veterans and speakin...
Reportage over Oostenrijkse oorlogsschepen en onderzeeboten. Beelden van het leven aan boord van het schip 'Tegetthof', navigatie (met log en sextant), vlaggenseiners, een flottielje torpedoboten in v...
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...
The film appears to be of the intervention in North Russia, but varies in quality from slightly out of focus to completely blurred.
Blurred and unviewable film of the British intervention in Nort...
French language version of a newsreel item on the town of Amiens after the German failure to capture it, showing a pan over the town and the outside of the cathedral, Western Front, 5th-7th April 1918...
Presentation of the activities of Winter Aid in Belgium. Winter Aid was the national-socialist organisation that took over all social assistance works, as they were exercised by government and church,...
Verslag van het huwelijk tussen Prinses Viktoria Luise van Duitsland en Prins Ernst Augustus van Cumberland.
(Reel 1) Off the British coast, U-boat 32 attacks merchant ships. The German captain, Stackmeyer, is saluted by his Admiral, who warns that the blockade of Britain will be tightened; later, the U-boat...
Episode of the series "Aviation in Brescia": airplane exercises featuring the pilots Curtiss, Rougier, Calderara, Blériot and Cobianchi.