An exciting series of pictures of daring horsemanship. The film is full of thrilling episodes, and is asubject that should prove highly popular. "The Bioscope", 8th September 2010.
This documentary was shot by Capra between November 6 and 29 1921 and shows the Italian battle cruiser Libia, visiting the port of San Francisco. The Italian sailors are welcomed to the Golden G...
Livorno was just a lively center of Macchiaioli art as Florence. Many artists painted in Livorno including Cristiano Banti, Giovanni Boldini and, on the most painted waterfront in Italy, Vincenz...
The story of the Rosselli brothers through the testimony of Maria Agostini, Fausto Nitti, Emilio Lussu and Ferruccio Parri.
Korte film waarin een kind dat met soldatenpoppen speelt en in slaap valt. In de droom die daarop volgt komen de poppen, via animatie, tot leven.
Avonturenfilm waarin Lidia de hulp van filmheld Maciste inroept. Als haar moeder en zij worden ontvoerd weet Maciste hen te bevrijden.
Journaalitem over een modeshow ten behoeve van een tehuis voor blinde oorlogsslachtoffers. In een kamer showen enkele dames kleding en hoeden.
Circusdrama over de danseres Nelly die veel problemen met mannen heeft en op zoek is naar haar eigen geluk.
Hans-Werner Meyer (second from right), August Zirner (right) in "Contergan" (2007)
Alexander Korda
Brian McClatchy while shooting "Tagebuch einer Biene" (2020)
"Dark Eden - Der Albtraum vom Erdöl" (2018)
Werner Peters
Freddy Quinn
Klaus Dierig, Kai Taschner (v.l.n.r.)
Three Australian officers stand with a Belgian officer as escort on the balcony of the prison where Nurse Cavell was held. Next, they stand by the plaque in the prison yard marking the place where she...
The Public Health Department was created to put reception and counseling facilities into place--with the American Committee's help-- for parents in difficulty. An American Committee nurse, assisted b...
Si tratta di un interessante frammento filmico di incerta provenienza, privo di titoli e di didascalie, appartenente ai primordi del cinema muto, riguardante la città di Torino trasformata per accogl...
1 - Il re, accompagnato da generali, nel campo di aviazione della Caproni
2 - un uomo con baffi scuri, forse Gianni Caproni, accompagna il re nella sua visita alle officine
3 - Il re, con i...
In Paris in 1917, cavalrymen march in the streets, a family follows a loved one's casket, Parisians bury Mr. Liard, and a soldier stands in front of a home.
Little Momi’s father has left to be a soldier and his letters are eagerly anticipated by his family at home. In one of them he recounts the adventure of little highlander Berto, who saved his mother...
General Pétain's visit to a camp in June 1917, where he sees the daily life of soldiers, tastes their food and hands out tobacco. Raymond Poincaré gives the "médaille militaire" (military medal) to...
At the very beginning of the World War I, Filip, a Serb and the principal of a gymnasium in a small Serbian town, is summoned urgently to Belgrade to serve in the war effort. He has no one to leave hi...