An exciting series of pictures of daring horsemanship. The film is full of thrilling episodes, and is asubject that should prove highly popular. "The Bioscope", 8th September 2010.
This documentary was shot by Capra between November 6 and 29 1921 and shows the Italian battle cruiser Libia, visiting the port of San Francisco. The Italian sailors are welcomed to the Golden G...
Livorno was just a lively center of Macchiaioli art as Florence. Many artists painted in Livorno including Cristiano Banti, Giovanni Boldini and, on the most painted waterfront in Italy, Vincenz...
The story of the Rosselli brothers through the testimony of Maria Agostini, Fausto Nitti, Emilio Lussu and Ferruccio Parri.
Korte film waarin een kind dat met soldatenpoppen speelt en in slaap valt. In de droom die daarop volgt komen de poppen, via animatie, tot leven.
Avonturenfilm waarin Lidia de hulp van filmheld Maciste inroept. Als haar moeder en zij worden ontvoerd weet Maciste hen te bevrijden.
Journaalitem over een modeshow ten behoeve van een tehuis voor blinde oorlogsslachtoffers. In een kamer showen enkele dames kleding en hoeden.
Circusdrama over de danseres Nelly die veel problemen met mannen heeft en op zoek is naar haar eigen geluk.
Just outside the old city walls of Rome, we find a mass of washed-out houses and bumpy streets arranged in a geometrical pattern that makes them anonymous and depersonalized. The documentary fil...
The first Norwegian film with international ambitions, Thin Ice is a story of young love, corporate ambition, and a daring nighttime caper. Tom, a strapping young student, gets his dream job as an adv...
British and Belgian troops on dockside at Ostend. "Trekking To Safety - British and Belgian troops watch the departure of the refugees from Ostend" - one shot only after this title.
Documentary about gold extraction methods in the Aruwimi River area. All the various stages are illustrated. Rivers and rocks are first explored and then drilled. Once raw materials are sorted accordi...
An unidentified (and unfortunately incomplete) exotic melodrama, tends towards De Mille's The Cheat. Considered by specialists as a German film.
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on the city and cathedral at Amiens after the German failure to capture the city, 5th-7th April 1918. II. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on ...
From 1891 to 1945, a popular form of iconography thrived next to the official one documenting Italy’s political and social life. This alternative iconography can be found in humorous and satir...
Barbarians outside: yesterday as today. Who have centuries of civilization gone by for? Not even appearance has altered the Norman in his barbarism. This great work from the Ambrosio hotbed admi...
The melancholy story of a juvenile love in the early twentieth century Turin: the student Mario meets and gets engaged to the seamstress Dorina, his landlady’s daughter. A beautiful and bored lady d...
Bedrijfsfilm van Machine- en motorenfabriek v/h Thomassen & Co. De film toont hoe zware machines gemaakt worden.
Jan werkt bij een aardewerkfabriek en is op zoek naar het geheim van het oud Delfts glazuur. Zijn zoektocht wordt echter verstoord door het overlijden van zijn baas waarvoor hij ten onrechte verantwoo...
The melancholy story of a juvenile love in the early twentieth century Turin: the student Mario meets and gets engaged to the seamstress Dorina, his landlady’s daughter. A beautiful and bored lady d...
1. Intertitle: Filmed by the German „Lichtbild“ company, inc., Berlin SW 19, in the factories of the Fessler (Pforzheim) Brothers, Pforzheim. 2. Intertitle: The Fessler belt is a belt made of roll...
Newsreels from 1914 to 1934: Blizzard and snow clearing at Finse in 1916, a new swimming pool opens in Oslo in 1920, solar eclipse in 1927, flod in Lillestrøm in 1927, and finally the celebration in...
'ALLENBY WANTED IN CAIRO: Conqueror of Palestine who was called to Peace Conference in Paris and had to rush back to Cairo'. Brief close-up of Allenby, in uniform, posing for the camera.
Short fr...
Unedited footage. Incomplet. The departure of the Infantry Regiment of Chaves’ towards the train station to depart to Lisbon and further embarkment to Angola.