A script writer (Michail Marmarinos) with supernatural powers escapes from his prison cell and gets entangled in events involving various criminals. Eventually, he ends up in his hometown, wins a fort...
In postwar Thessaloniki, Dimitris, a young man, "arrests" Spyros, a kid who stole a wallet and tells him his story, namely the story of the 160 children that made up "The Barefoot Battalion" and strug...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:38): Togal (Nr. 1 Kater): Animation: Black cat with a hump, plus a shrill noise. Live action: A man lies in bed and wakes up with a headache, a „hangover“ (ger. Kater = cat). Behind...
A woman (Peri Poravou) wanders around a deserted beach in a provincial town with her 10-year-old son (Panos Gkiokas). The following day, she has to leave her son with her ex-husband (Nikiforos Naneris...