TV documentary about Chinese families living and working in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the problems they face in terms of housing, education, work and community relations, and the provisions in place to a...
Shots of the "Empress of Britain" leaving Greenock for Canada and of the interior of the Parkhead steel works.
Craigbank Gardens, Edinburgh. The film has extensive footage of allotments, vegetable gardens and people tending the crops. Portree Horticultural Show also features towards the end of the film.
Everyday life in the crofting community of Acharacle, Lochaber, in the 1950s.
The children of Rosehearty Primary School join with older members of the village to record memories of the village in the early half of the century, illustrated by a varied montage of photographs. Inc...
Family home movies including footage of daily life around Glasgow city centre, the Barras market, the West End and the new Clyde Tunnel.
I. RAMC men help refugees in a street in Douai to load both themselves and their belongings into a British Army lorry. As the last one is loaded the tailboard is closed up and the people wave as the l...
A camping expedition by an uncle and his nephew, showing the do's and don'ts of the countryside code.
Reportage over de begrafenisplechtigheid van Koningin Astrid, voorafgegaan door een terugblik op enkele hoogtepunten in haar leven. Koningin Astrid sterft op 29-08-1935 in Küssnacht am Rigi in Zwitse...
Documentaire film die aan de hand van gespeelde scènes toont hoe het Belgisch rechtssysteem in elkaar zit. Elke Belg heeft, reeds van bij de geboorte rechten maar ook plichten. Dit geldt zowel voor o...
["PREMIERE PARTIE"] Het oorspronkelijke begin van de film ontbreekt blijkbaar, de documentaire vat dadelijk aan met de voorstelling van de piloot en mecanicien. We volgen de constructie van het vliegt...
Documentaire in Zweden gemaakt voor een Belgisch publiek, naar aanleiding van het plotse overlijden van Koningin Astrid. Er wordt begonnen bij de geboorte van Astrid: bewegend beeld van een kasteel wa...
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
German movie poster of "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Irja von Bernstorff (second from the right), Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
I Sydafrika berører religion alle dele af samfundet. Med tusinder af mennesker, der dør af aids, er religionerne i dag konfronteret med en virkelighed, som rækker ud over deres verdenssyn. Filmen g...
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy sightseeing in Edinburgh where they visit the castle and make an appearance on stage at the Playhouse Cinema.
A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...