Panos Vidalis is hired as the financial manager of a company managed by his childhood friend Foivos, who is engaged to Viky, the daughter of their boss John Thomas. One day, Panos saves Viky from an a...
During the German Occupation, a group of partisans collaborate with a lieutenant (who has been sent to Greece from the Middle East Headquarters) on a mission to blow up a German ship with a cargo of s...
A girl (Eleni Prokopiou), after the escape of her beloved (Christos Negkas) abroad, because of his malicious mother, finds herself on the street, sent away by her own brother. She is exploited by a pi...
Christos and Maria (Alexis Zannas and Eleni Amousaki) are a couple living in poverty and hoping for a better future. Their love is tested by the harsh reality and poverty in which they live. When Chri...
The nineteen-year-old Kakia, who is the only daughter of Vasilis Georgiou, a strict colonel and commander of a unit of mountain commandos, runs away from home and heads for Athens. On the way she mee...
Just before he dies, a girl’s father asks his wife not to tell their daughter that she is adopted. His wife and her other daughter treat her badly, and when the young girl finds out the truth, she l...
An island girl (Stella Gkreka) comes to Athens and ends up as a singer in a cabaret. There she meets a sailor called Vasos (Lampros Konstantaras). Her nostalgia for her island and Dimitris (Dimitris M...
Stefania (Zoe Laskari) is at the reformatory and is planning to escape. When doctor Daponte (Spyros Fokas) shows up, she changes her mind because she used to have a crush on him when she was a student...