Instruktøren: Filmen handler om en kvinde, som kommer i berøring med sider af sindet, hun ikke kender, da hun får et barn. Alt omkring hende forandres, og hun må ændre sine forestillinger om sig ...
Barney Richards is 37 years old. He lives with his mother in a provincial town. One night at the local discotheque he bumps into Gavin, an old aquaintance, who is doing well in the capital. Suddenly, ...
Sept. 1944: I det krigstrætte og forlystelsessyge Danmark er det gode tider for initiativrige folk som filmproducent Otto Baumann. Men han er en gambler, der samarbejder med både besættelsesmagten ...
Hotel Russia den 3. juni 1992. Moskvas største hotel. Russia betyder Rusland, og engang var dette kæmpehotel et internationalt mødested med liv og luksus. I dag er det mest russere og folk fra det ...
Del 1: Olivia Olsen fra Istedgade får engagement i tyvernes Københavnske forlystelsespalads Scala, hvor hun øjeblikkeligt charmerer tidens absolutte operettehelt, Arne Weel.<br> Del 2: Midt i...
'Sven Klangs kvintet' foregår i 1958, hvor Sven Klang er leder og bassist i et band, som spiller til dans i den svenske provins. Sven er forretningsmand og den ubestridte leder af orkestret, der helt...
Once again, chiller director Martin Schmidt ("Final Hour") works with writer Dennis Jürgensen to make your blood run cold. This time, Schmidt has four university students take over the house of someb...
»Jeg vil hellere spise sand i Nigeria end arbejde på gaden i København", siger Anna, der troede hun skulle til Danmark som sygeplejeelev, men tvinges i prostitution på Vesterbro. Joy er blevet han...
26580 - Vosges - Skieurs allemands
23125 - Argonne - Popote en la ligne
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
23141 - Tilloloy - Chateau (Tieuloy, Département Somme, Picardie)
23112 - Église de Bailly (Oise, Picardie)
22860 - Arras - Quartier de la gare (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
Young couple on Sunday morning: the man plays the tuba in the bed, his wife struggles with the housework in the old building. He proposes to have breakfast at a friendly couple. There, the proudly wif...
A film about the production of Longines watches at their factory in Saint-Imier.
The film shows footage of the city of Wiesbaden, Germany. It was first shown to the public at the opening of the Thalia Theater on January 31, 1914. Of the original 5 episodes of the film (The Thalia ...
[Bologna 11 March 1978: the movement] Footage (taken from a window) of a demonstration by the Bologna students movement in remembrance of the events of March 1977. The procession moves along Via Zambo...
The Tara is a river on the outskirts of the southern Italian industrial city of Taranto, whose waters are believed to have healing powers according to an ancient legend. Bathing in it is a tradition a...
Impressionismen: Det, vi i dag kalder moderne kunst, begynder med impressionisterne. I filmen præsenteres det billede, som gav retningen navn, Claude Monets "Impression, soleil levant" - indtryk af e...
This film (originally 1,537 meters) was previously considered completely lost, until the discovery of this 345-meters fragment in the Filmoteca de Valencia. It affords a rare opportunity to obse...
President of the Government of Catalonia, Francesc Macià, reads a fragment of his address on the occasion of the opening of the Parliament of Catalonia on 6 December 1932. On 25 October of that same ...