A once-famous singer, Marina Ralli, leaves a concert by pianist Alexis Mikelis and wanders lost in the streets. Confronted by one of her old posters, memories are awakened, and her past comes back to...
Κostas is a charming and affluent young man who provides for his unaccomplished brothers as well as for his gregarious mother. He is in love with a young lawyer by the name of Marina. Both of them m...
Fani (Kaiti Papanika) returns from abroad after her father commits suicide. As she cannot bear the cruel treatment from her relatives, she cuts her ties with her friends and social environment. She m...
The film is set in Ioannina at the beginning of the 19th century. The eldest son of Ali Pasha, Mouhtar and the beautiful Frosyni (Irene Papas) (a widow who comes from a large family and is also the ni...