The film is based on a novel by its director, entitled The Comedy of Mythomania. In the spring of 1999, during the intense NATO bombardment in Kosovo, a ship has been placed in quarantine in a certain...
A rich girl, Lili (Anna Fonsou), hangs out with a group of young people who violently contest the established rules and values. Lili also despises her sister (Viveta Tsiouni), and her hatred drives he...
Vassilis (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is a singer, struggling to support his mother and sister and to find his father, who disappeared during the evacuation of Smyrna. One day, he finds out that his father is...
A script writer (Michail Marmarinos) with supernatural powers escapes from his prison cell and gets entangled in events involving various criminals. Eventually, he ends up in his hometown, wins a fort...
1. TRAILER FOR THE FILM "MAY" In the trailer's opening scene, some members of the upper middle class are having a picnic in the countryside, while striking workers carrying banners are rushing towards...