This is a compilation film consisting of three stories, rendered with a sense of humor, romanticism and tragedy, all of which are supposedly born of the kind of life that forces girls, like the heroin...
After a tragic misunderstanding, farmer Stathis Karatasos (Angelos Antonopoulos) is accused of being the leader of an infamous gang. He manages to escape right before his execution, but the police are...
A hale and hearty fifty-year-old, Ntinos Diamantis (Lampros Konstantaras), lives with his sister and pursues every attractive woman he encounters. When he meets twenty-year-old Korina (Nora Valsami) a...
Stefania (Zoe Laskari) is at the reformatory and is planning to escape. When doctor Daponte (Spyros Fokas) shows up, she changes her mind because she used to have a crush on him when she was a student...
The three members of Humanitarian Movement of Greece (Kostas Voutsas, Nikos Dadinopoulos and Sotiris Tzevelekos), despite being arrested for illegally putting up posters, continue to struggle for thei...
Mrs. Leni (Rena Vlachopoulou), a widow, down on her luck, is working as a cleaning lady at a big hotel trying to support herself and a daughter who is studying in the US. At the hotel she meets a rich...
Three sisters (Martha Karagianni, Nora Valsami and Martha Vourtsi), each one in a different way, search for love. The first one leaves her crooked friend for the sake of a hard-natured harbormaster (K...
Geralis (Nikos Kourkoulos), a conscientious neurosurgeon who is dedicated to his science and his child, is called upon to perform brain surgery on a patient with a brain tumor. The operation is a succ...