The danish musician Lisa flls in love with the Russian director, Aleskander Kirilov. She travels to Moscow to win his heart, but Aleksander is a busy man. Lisa fights for his attention - foreign city,...
In the twenty-four hours around the concert of world famouse flute player Michala Petri three people are trying to grasp on to love. ¿Did you know, that people in relationships are happier than other...
In forestrial Southern Sweden in the 16th Century, Inge, a young nobleman, searches for Arild, his lost identical twin brother. In a story of mistaken identities, Inge is firmly believed to be Arild b...
Da en tornado rammer det triste Kansas, bliver den forældreløse Dorothy blæst til det farvestrålende land Oz. Hun kommer til at fornærme en ond fe, men bliver beskyttet af sine røde sko. Den god...
"Water" foregår i Indien under britisk kolonistyre i 1938, på samme tid som Mahatma Gandhi begynder at gøre sig bemærket. Chuyia er blevet enke i en alder af kun 8 år. Tradition og de religiøse ...
Dyrene på den afrikanske savanne venter forgæves på vandet, som plejer at strømme gennem Okavango-deltaet på denne tid af året. Dyrene bliver mere og mere tørstige, så den modige surikat Billy...
Den fanden-i-voldske Sinbad Søfareren er draget på sørøvertogt og har ingen lyst til at udføre heltegerninger. Gudinden Eris snører ham imidlertid, og for at slippe for at blive henrettet må Si...
Lebensbild mit
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
4996 - Aisne 1918 German corpse Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
32990 - Champagne - Italians in a camp Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film Synopsis: The year 1814: After Napoleon was forced into exile, the regents of Europe negotiate the future of the continent at the Congress of V...
The Bohemian fairy tale that inspired the work of the troubadour Wolfram Von Eschenbach tells the story of a prince in love with a beautiful girl magically transformed from an apple.
The Big Other Of all people, the television presenter Gregory, a convinced atheist, is sent to Rome to report on the upcoming election of the new pope. In the eternal city he meets Maria, with whom he...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The sailor Freddy is on the run: In Genoa, he was involved in a drunken stabbing that left one person dead. Now Freddy is wanted by t...
Semaine 1960/30 - 11 sujets. 1) PARIS: A l'occasion de la Fête nationale du 14 juillet, un défilé militaire a lieu sur les Champs-Elysées, en présence du général de Gaulle : chars, élèves des...
01 – Tecnica (Italia, Francia, Germania, 2-7/12/1968) Un missile pronto nella rampa di lancio e degli ingegneri aerospaziali impegnati in laboratorio; il conto alla rovescia, poi il missile ac...
01 – Visita (Roma, 26/10/1967) Nella basilica di San Pietro, in Vaticano, Papa Paolo VI ed il Patriarca di Costantinopoli Atenagora partecipano a una cerimonia religiosa per avvicinare la chie...
Den unge opdager, cand. jur. Karl Frank, har på embedsvegne været en tur i udlandet. På hjemrejsen stifter han tilfældig bekendtskab med en ung, smuk dame, der i overordentlig grad fanger hans int...