A hale and hearty fifty-year-old, Ntinos Diamantis (Lampros Konstantaras), lives with his sister and pursues every attractive woman he encounters. When he meets twenty-year-old Korina (Nora Valsami) a...
In the autumn of 1948, a little before the end of the Civil War in Greece, six young leftists from Thessaloniki, sensing their impending arrest and death, think up an exceptionally daring plan: they d...
Theophilos Chatzimichail (Dimitris Kataleifos), the legendary painter from Lesbos, drops western garb and begins to wear the traditional Greek outfit. He often dresses like the national heroes he pain...
In 1900, a gang of bandits abducts a young bourgeois (Kostas Arzoglou) and flees to the mountain, expecting ransom money in return for his freedom. The youth develops a friendship with the gang chief ...