During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...
A poor university student, Ntinos Vristhenis, has abandoned his studies due to financial difficulties and is searching for a job. He is hired as an actor in a troupe, where he meets and falls in love ...
Dinos Vristhenis (Stelios Tatasopoulos), a poor student in the University of Athens, has dropped out of his studies because of dire financial difficulties and is job hunting. He is employed as an acto...