A cunning country bumpkin from Gastouni, Kitsos Charadras, arrives in Athens with a chicken under each arm and heads for the house of his uncle, the industrialist Charalampos Papatsiflikas, to ask him...
The film is based on a true incident. In the year 1953, in a tobacco-growing village in Macedonia, a strange murder is committed. During the court hearing, it is evident, from the testimonies of the w...
A literature professor gets a job at a high school famous for its untamed students and suffers from their pranks. When he falls in love with one of his students, however, he reveals another side of hi...
A sociologist, a real pest, Tasos, with the help of a private detective, Anita, offers two lazybones, Iason and Prokopis, a really great opportunity: to spend twenty days in a luxurious hotel. Tasos�...
Bampis (Nikos Rizos), after his release from prison, finds it difficult to balance the relationship with his friends, tough guys and rip-off artists of Piraeus, and with the strict supervision of the ...
Stefanos Nomikos, who used to be a very successful model, now works as a gigolo in Athens. He is sought after by older women as well as by wealthy homosexuals. This allows him to pay the tuition fees...
Yurikas and Kostikas (Kostas Tsakonas and Kostas Voutsas), Pontian migrants, return to Greece from Germany. They want to understand why there are so many jokes about the Pontians - and who spreads the...
During the years of the German occupation, German troops arrest and imprison colonel Grigoriou (Lavrentis Dianellos), the leader of the Resistance in Chaϊdari. The members of the Resistance organize ...