A gang consists of: the leader, an ex-convict called “uncle” who lies about his disability and three other members: Nikos, a charming fortune hunter; Jenny, his girlfriend, and an expert thief nic...
In a village in Roumeli two young men (Anestis Vlachos and Stavros Tornes) fall in love with Malamo (Nelli Pappa) and fight to win her hand and heart.
A young factory owner, Kostas Chatzipavlou, in his desire to win Elli (daughter of industrialist Achilleas Karmpantis), who had once slapped him during a soccer game, gets hired as a worker at her fat...
A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
Following an accident, a rich landholder is convinced he’s living in the 15th Century. To help him return to his senses, doctors advise his family to create an environment that matches his delusiona...
Two young people fall in love, get married and have a little girl together. After seven years of marriage, another woman steals the man’s heart, and he leaves his wife and daughter. When his wife be...
Thymios (Kostas Chatzichristos) is a cunning little guy from the village of Petromagoula, who comes to Athens hoping to make it big. He gets a job at the office of a private detective, Thodoris, where...
A young man (Stamatis Gardelis) becomes a drug addict. When he dies from an overdose, his drop-out brother (Alberto Eskenazy) goes after those responsible for his brother’s death.