Hvad sker der efter du har sagt ja til ægteskabet og alt det der følger med? Livet for pigerne udformer sig præcis som de vil have det, men det ville jo ikke være Sex and the City hvis ikke livet ...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Tre helt særlige jordegern, Alvin, Theodore og Simon, løber tilfældigt ind i den kriseramte sangskriver Dave Seville og beslutter at flytte ind hos ham. I håbet om at overbevise Dave om, at han sk...
A drama / documentary about the Civil Defence services during wartime Edinburgh, this film contains shots of the messenger Corps in action alerting all services during ARP - including the system used ...
Kostümschauspiel (englisch) nach Marc
Twain (erste Verf. Liste 237/1920), mit den Brüdern
Lustspiel (englisch)
Tante Tille bor på en lille gård på landet. Da hun en dag finder en forladt ræveunge, tager hun den med hjem og kalder den Mikkel. Tilles nabo, Orla Olsen, er jæger, og da han en dag finder en fo...
Holidaymakers setting out from Glasgow, and travelling by train and steamer down the coast to Rothesay and Ettrick Bay. Includes tracking shots from tram in Sauchiehall Street.
A demonstration on how to use a Seine net for trawling. This film was planned by the Marine Laboratory Aberdeen, as part of their research programme on the efficiency of fishing gear. "Grateful ackn...
A look at the social and economic changes in Scotland during the 1950s, after the upheaval of the war. From the restoration of Iona Abbey to the development of new industries.
The Forth and Clyde Canal's operations on its last year of use.
Hostels at Loch Ard, Inverbeg and Rowardennan, with footage of hostellers climbing Ben Lomond and the Cobbler, canoeing on Loch Lomond and enjoying a dance.
A history of the Forth and Clyde Canal.
Sponsored by Glasgow Corporation Education Committee, this educational film introduces the chief tools used by the carpenter.
Tour of the Highlands and Islands in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Scenes include farming, fishing, mountain climbing, ships, and a brief shot of the 'talkies' being installed at Balmoral.