On 26th June the Sokol gymnastic organization organized a Czech-American competition. In order to commemorate this event the Sokol members organized a sport festival, which was held in 1927 in the tow...
The film offers a voyage on the Elbe River from the town of Ústí nad labem to Děčín. The camera placed on the board of a steam boat documents the buildings on the riverside and passing by boats. ...
The documentary captures the everyday life in Central Slovakia (women washing clothes in the river, shepherd walking around his herd and milking sheep, gypsy baby in a cloth cot). The film also includ...
Development phases of brown-tail moth (lymantria monacha) and its dangerous impact on trees. The impact of total defoliation and polyedric contamination on forest stand.
A film view of the Vltava River watercourse. Using the example of the Prague embankment in Podskalí the film shows how the river is being changed. In the future there will be water reservoirs/dams bu...
The film shows training session of the winning horse riding race team at the IX. Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. Horse rider E. Thiel is performing horse dressage, military ride is also performed by J. ...
A group of men is sailing on a big flatboat through the St. Johann's Rapids; some of the men are rowing. Scout camp on the embankment of the Vltava River, a few canoes anchored by the riverside. Over ...
Film recapitulation of the private and political life of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, T. G. Masaryk, starts with a drawing of his natal house located in the town of Hodonín, foll...
Man and woman watch the famous castle Karlštejn.
Stáza (actress: Anna Iblová).
Janota (actor: Bedřich Karen) holds Stáza (actress: Anna Iblová).
Irča persuades her parents to accompany her on a last meeting with Lexa before she enters the convent school. The next day Lexa arrives at the station to see her off and Irča gives him her nightdres...
Irča persuades her parents to accompany her on a last meeting with Lexa before she enters the convent school. The next day Lexa arrives at the station to see her off and Irča gives him her nightdres...
Sylva Baranová (actress: Zdena Kavková) speaks to captain Roman Degar (actor&director: Vladimír Slavínský)
Sylva (actress: Zdena Kavková) on a snow.
An old woman remembers the love of her youth. As the beautiful Columbine she spends a night of love in the arms of an infatuated Pierrot. In the end, however, Pierrot transforms himself into Death. (B...
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) and the expert from Ministerstvo národní obrany (Ministry of Defence) suggested qualifying the film for public screening - ban for young people.
The film "Reifende Jugend" was qualified for public screening - full permission.
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Dřevěné kříže" for public screening - ban for young people.