A depiction of the World Youth Festival in Prague in July 1947. The celebration of the idea of multiculturalism through the scenes of Prague sightseeing, collective sport activities, visits to cultura...
A documentary film depicting the voyage of eight hundred European Jews to Palestine in 1940. Racial intolerance fueled by fascism and war is likened to a flood, a ship with Jews then to Noah's ark, a ...
A propagation of nationalisation, when aristocratic castles were put under state control. The film displays several important sites of cultural heritage as well as important cultural figures, mostly w...
The staged film represents the crew of the film newsreel, which has the task of finding suitable types of people, on the example of which it is possible to show negative social phenomena. They mainly ...
A promotional film showing a high quality of spa offer in the Czechoslovakia. It stresses a role of the Church when a spa season begins and a sanctification is happening. It demonstrates a scientific ...
The amateur film describes the course of the elections to the National Assembly among the employees of the Stalin plant in Litvínov. The film documents the announcement of elections, meetings of offi...
A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An amateur film depicting physics lessons at a rural primary school. Boys and girls engage in physical experiments and count, the film also shows an examination. The author is probably a teacher.
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Mines in Ostrava and environs provided the setting for a story of social struggle which is told during the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which culminates in the ear of the new Czechoslovak Republic.)
Schleichertová (actress) sits on a bed, second one lies. The third one washes a baby.
Sedláčková (actress, first on right) sits on a table.
Kaclová (actress) and Fořt (actor) on white nightdresses hold the hands. Michl (actor) on the suit with the white shirt and necktie.
Šlechtová (actress) dressed in a folk costume.
A shortened version of Smetana's opera The Bartered Bride produced by the National Theatre in Prague and performed on an open-air stage in Šárka on the 16th of May 1913.
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...