Irja von Bernstorff (second from the right), Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
An abstract dining room is the setting for Scottish Ballet’s largest film commission to date. Tremble stars 26 Scottish Ballet dancers....
Street scenes in Bethlehem, the Church of Saint Mary, the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Holy Sepulchre, the Valley of Kidron and (in silhouette) a tree where, according to legend, Judas...
I. A long sequence of 2/4th Battalion, the Dorset Regiment, with its band leading, marching into Bethlehem (poor quality film). II. Allenby's visit to Bethlehem, 25 December 1917. He can be seen among...
(Reel 1) The arsenal entrance in Beresford Square, with the internal train taking the workers to various departments. Women and boys in the Tailors' Shop make gloves, felt "buttons" for 15-inch shells...
The divisional commander, Brigadier-General F S Meighan, shows the journalists around the training area. (Very broken film, extremely hard to follow.) The men are engaged in various kinds of training:...
Three Australian officers stand with a Belgian officer as escort on the balcony of the prison where Nurse Cavell was held. Next, they stand by the plaque in the prison yard marking the place where she...
To tvillingebrødre, den ene, Gino, en dygtig medicin-studerende, den anden, Nicky, noget langsom i optrækket efter en ulykke i barndommen. Nicky bliver passet af Gino. En dag ser Nicky en dreng bliv...
Ginger and her friend Rosa was born on the same day at the same hospital and here lies the reason for their friendship which they cherish throughout their childhood. Politically, The Cold War is high ...
Fortælling inspireret af de tyske ekspressionistiske film fra 1920'erne. En lille landsby hærges af en ukendt morder, der slår til i skyggerne og tågen. En lille mand, Kleinman, involveres i jagte...
Woody Allen stiller skarpt på parforhold i krise. Ægteparret Judy og Gabe får et chok, da deres bedste venner fortæller, at de vil flytte fra hinanden, og de begynder nu at betragte deres eget for...
Irland og USA i slutningen af det 19. århundrede. To unge mennesker, han fattig og hun rig, er begge besat af drømmen om det forjættede land, Amerika. Efter mange trængsler, kan de sammen starte e...
Da kvinden, June pludselig løber ind i den fremmede verdensmand, Roy Miller, der også viser sig at være mesterspion, forandrer hendes liv sig på en måde hun aldrig havde forestillet sig. June få...
Forfatterinden Anaïs Nin mødte Henry Miller i Paris i 1931 og hans anarkistiske livsstil var noget helt nyt og spændende for hende. Året efter kom Henrys kone, June, også til Paris, og både Henr...
Et æsel spærrer vejen. FN-soldater og lokale mødes. Ingen forstår hinanden, og den simple forhindring forvandler sig hurtigt til en konflikt af babelske dimensioner. Den korteste vej mellem mennes...
A short melodrama: the Chinese man Sang Lee takes pity on a white child (Jack). Twenty years later, Jack, now a prominent lawyer, defends his foster father in court from false accusations.
When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.