The flat tops of the houses give the town an Eastern appearance - the narrow, roughly paved thorough fare through which loosely cloaked natives proceed on mule-back, the marabouts or travelling ...
Breve frammento in cui viene mostrato l'arrivo di un cinema ambulante, trainato da cavalli, per dilettare i soldati dell'esercito austriaco durante la prima guerra mondiale.
Il pittore Primo Conti (1900 - 1988) legge un libro nella sua casa di Fiesole, vengono poi ricordati i suoi esordi negli anni Dieci quando, giovanissimo, inizia a dipingere influenzato dai fauve...
Film restored in collaboration with Cinémathèque Française.
Il film, alternando alle riprese molte fotografie e filmati di repertorio, ripercorre la vita e la carriera del compositore ungherese Béla Bartók (1881-1945). Nato a Nagyszentmiklós (San Nicc...
In un piccolo paese dell'Umbria vive il conte di San Secondo con sua figlia Elena, la quale ama in segreto il pittore Paolo Ardenti, un giovane di modeste origini. Rovinato da un'errata speculaz...
Si ripercorrono gli anni che crearono i presupposti per l'unità d'Italia, servendosi prevalentemente di materiale iconografico d’epoca. La battaglia di Novara e la fine della prima guerra d...
Il Generale Armando Diaz scrive un documento alla scrivania. Restaurato a partire da un frammento negativo d’epoca appartenente al fondo Fausto Correra.
Wide shot of a hospital corridor. Nurse Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) stands in the middle of the corridor clasping hands with Corporal Bartoněk (actor: Jiří Vondrovič), whose other arm...
Medium shot of several men sitting around a table with a half loaf of bread and a carafe of water. On the left sits Sakař (actor: Jindřich Plachta) with a bandaged neck. To the right sit Vyskočil (...
Wide shot of a corridor. Standing in front of the door to Dr. Šrámek's office are Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) and Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) flanked by Austrian military guards...
View of an office. A colonel of the Austrian army (actor: Jaroslav Marvan) and Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) are standing at a desk. Behind Šrámek are two military guards (on the right, a...
Wide shot of an office. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) is sitting at a desk and pointing at another doctor standing on the opposite side of the desk. Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) is st...
Wide shot of a corridor and a door with a sign indicating "MUDr. Fr. Šrámek." Standing in front of the door are nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová), First Lieutenant Liška (actor: František ...
Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) is lying on a hospital bed in the foreground. Three figures are standing over him: Nurse Mathilde (actor: Adina Mandlová) on the left, and doctors Šrám...
View of a hospital room. In the centre of the image, cadet Severa (actor: Stanislav Strnad) is lying on a bed and hugging his mother (actress: Marie Ptáková), who is sitting next to him. Rjepkin is ...
Die grosse Wette. Ein phantastisches Erlebnis aus dem Jahre 2000, Der Kinematograph, 476, (1916), S. 17.
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 14. Da "Der feldgraue Groschen" einen so durchschlagenden Erfolg hatte, seien noch weitere Filme zur Kriegsanleihe gedreht worden. "Hann, Hein u...
Scala-Film-Verleih GmbH, Der Hetman der Ukraine, Der Kinematograph, 581, (1918), S. 18-19. Die Anzeige geht auf den Sieg gegen Russland ein und erwähnt das Interesse des Publikums an der Geschichte d...
Lt. Ludwig Brauner, Das Kinogeschäft nach dem Kriege, Der Kinematograph, 505, (1916), S. 15-16. Prognose über das Kino nach dem Krieg. Das Krieg habe dem Kino zu einer breiten Anerkennung verholfen,...
Zensurwirrwarr !, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 50, (1918), S. 12-20. Obwohl die Zensur durch Reichsgesetzgebung aufgehoben sei, würde die Zensur in Württemberg und Bayern weiterbestehen, in Berlin würden ...
Das Königliche Bild-und Filmamt und die Industrie, Der Kinematograph, 571, (1917). S. 22ff. Artikel über Verhandlungen des Bild-und Filmamtes mit Vertretern der Filmindustrie. Bufa zeige sich am Woh...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S. 28. Der Film "Der papierene Peter" wird als humorvoll und originell bewertet und werde seinem Zwecke gerecht.
Ludwig Brauner, Die kommende Geschmackswandlung, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 15-16. Erörterung des Publikumsgeschmacks. Gegenwärtig sei vor allem Ablenkung vom Kriegsalltag gefragt, jedoch li...