(Reel 21) The episode starts with 'Justice' and captioned newspaper clippings, "British forces in peril... more important than Kut". The decision to send the relief force on 4th April 1919 is reported...
The first third of the film is badly jumbled and shows repeated shots of the naval contingent (including the Royal Marines) led by Admiral Sir David Beatty, passing through Admiralty Arch and about to...
I. The film contrasts quotes from a German newspaper given as 'Westphalia Daily News' reporting the damage or destruction of prominent landmarks in the centre of London with film of those places taken...
(Reel 1) Partly through the limitations imposed on the filming of Japanese royalty and inside the various palaces, this film shows virtually nothing of the official ceremonies. The first half concentr...
Damage in the Roye-Soissons area, showing many of the smaller towns and villages. Destroyed fruit trees. A desecrated cemetery at Tergnier. Damaged houses at Coucy-la-Ville and Coucy-le-Château. The ...
I. A recruiting march by girls of the Women's Land Army in central London, April 1918. Members of the Women's Land Army form an escort for the Lord Mayor of London, Charles A Hanson, as he enters Sain...
(Reel 1) The departure of the Archduke (later Emperor) Karl with General Conrad von Hötzendorf from Vienna to inspect Austrian troops in the Tyrolean region, close to the Italian Front. Outside a hun...
The rail station at Châtel-Chéhéry near the Aisne on 11th October 1918 showing the limit of the German advance to Paris. A view of the town itself two days later. German prisoners of war at a camp ...
The clergy leave the church.
Exercise with pennons in the courtyard of the cadet school in Vienna.
Exercise with pennons in the courtyard of the cadet school in Vienna.
A part of the training: overcomming of wooden barriers in full gear.
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.
A traffic at the square in Předměřice nad Jizerou by unveiling the monument (14th June 1925).
People in Předměřice nad Jizerou look unveiling of the monument "Burial in Carpathians" by a famous Czech sculptor Jan Štursa (14th June 1925).
"Hu-hu ! Wir schröcklich ! (mit'n „ö“)", Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 20(?). Entgegnung auf die Behauptungen des Abgeordneten Werner-Giessen, die Flut an Krimis in den Kinos schade der Mor...
Messter Film GmbH, Zum 70. Geburtstag Generalfeldmarschalls von Hindenburg, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 18-19.