I. Views of the honour guard at the Jaffa Gate, composed of English, Welsh, Scottish, Indian, Australian and New Zealand troops, with twenty soldiers each from Italy and France continuing the line ins...
I. (Reel 1) Winter training for British troops. Infantry guns and Highlanders move in columns along the roads up to the snow covered trenches. Hot soup is brought to troops in the trenches. A dawn 'st...
I. (Reel 1) The Lincolnshire Regiment clear a road lined with damaged trees. Nine men of the Royal Munster Fusiliers cross a damaged bridge over the Somme. A column of the Loyal North Lancashire Regim...
A Nieuport 27c Scout of 60 Fighter Squadron, badly damaged outside a hangar, with mechanics removing a damaged wing. Three men working in a mobile repair shop (see the same scene in IWM 118 THE EYES O...
2nd Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers of 5th Division, including four bagpipers, detraining and resting at Legnano, 20 December 1917. 1st Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment (?) of 5th Divisio...
(Reel 1) Australian 2nd Division at outdoor physical training and Swedish drill, followed by bayonet training and Lewis machine gun practice, probably in 'W' training area, Bouvelinghem, August 1917. ...
The opening scenes show New Zealand Field Artillery horses being watered at a river and fed at horse lines. This is followed by a scene of a gunner officer emerging from a sandbagged command post and ...
British and French troops camped in woods, with one man being shaved, probably close to Boves. French soldiers drive two abandoned cows in past British 18-pounders. A French armoured car of II Cavalry...
An Austrian soldier in underwear, three Russian soldiers around him.
Reunion of families after war. In the middle stand Tomeš, Janda and Bárta in uniforms of volunteers. Women sit behind and sons talk with fathers.
Volunteer Bárta (laborer) encounters his wife.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Janda´s son in the apron and volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
From the left: Volunteer Bárta in French uniform, volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
Tomeš encounters his wife and son after the return from the war. Tomeš hugs his son. His wife stands nearby and smiles at Janda and Bárta.
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform). Volunteers rest during their coming home.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 586, (1918), S. 28ff. Besprochen werden gleich zwei Propagandafilme zur achten Kriegsanleihe. "Lloyd George in Berlin" wird als äußer...
Theodor Zimmermann, Zur Lage in der Zensurfrage, Der Kinematograph, 624, (1918). Bericht, dass das Innenministerium befohlen habe, alle Zensurverordnungen unverzüglich aufzuheben. Lediglich Verordnun...
Oscar Geller, Detektiv-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 21-25. Eröterung der Krimiwelle. Man könne Krimis nicht einfach als Schund abtun. Auch wenn viele der frühen Krimis, maßgeblich aus...
Argus, Der rasende Roland von Euskirchen, Der Kinematograph, 582, (1918), S. 6. Entgegnung auf Vorwürfe des Euskirchener Volksblattes, das Kino sei sittenverderbend. Der Schriftleiter Werner Rats kö...
Der Lustspielfilm, Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 17-18. Bericht über die große Zahl an Komödien, die in den letzten Monaten erschienen seien.
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Die Leibhusaren und ihre Geschichte, Der Kinematograph, 565, (1917). Die Werbung verweist darauf, dass der Film durch von Mackensens Frau gefördert wird.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 614, (1918). "Kinder der Liebe" als Tendenz- und Aufklärungsfilm bezeichnet, dessen Absicht überzeuge. "Der Gefangene von Dahomey" se...
R. Genenchen, Kriegsunterstützung und Kinobesuch, Der Kinematograph, 506, (1916), S. 17. Bericht darüber, dass die Gemeinde Weida/Sachsen Soldatenfrauen, die Kinos besuchen, die städtische Unterst�...