Report retracing the military campaigns of the Belgian colonial troops in Africa through geographical maps and title cards.
Antoine Depage's funeral.
Antoine Depage's funeral.
Report on the returning of the King and Queen of Belgium on 22 November 1918.
Report on a group of Flemish war veterans visiting Verdun 1937, organised by the V.O.S (Vlaamse Oud-Strijders / Flemish war veterans): an anti-militaristic, Flemish-nationalistic association. Its obje...
Amateur footage shot by Antwerp baker Maurice Lefèvre during a trip in West Flanders (Ypres, Kortrijk).
Amateur footage shot by Antwerp baker Maurice Lefèvre during a trip in West Flanders (Ypr...
News report on a tribute to the brothers Van Raemdonck from Temse.
News report about a Flemish demonstration in Brussels (from a Flemish-separatistic point of view).
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Kinematograf : oficielní orgán "Svazu majitelů biografů na Moravě v Brně" = Kinematograf: offizielles Organ des "Verbandes der Kinobesitzer Mährens in Brünn". -- Brno : Otto Luniak, 1920. -- I...
Skizzen vom Isonzo : 124 Darstellungen / von Maler Ludwig Koch. -- Wien : Verlag von L. W. Seidel, [1916]. -- [53] l. : ill. 124 studies and sketches by Austrian painter Ludwig Koch are a selection of...
Suggestion for exploitation
Draft of the prologue
Preliminary budget