I. 'LEWIS ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN. Troops on the Macedonian front anxiously watch the effect of the machine gun fire on an enemy aeroplane.' Australian troops look up into the sky as a man fires Lewis - the...
I. 'ALLIGATOR FARM. An alligator farm at Los Angeles, the reptiles answer the call at feeding time and attack a huge pile of meat fastened to the ground with iron stakes.' MLS as young adult alligator...
I. 'GOOSE RAISES $100. A twenty six year old goose "Winsome Winnie" after repeated sales realises over $100 for charity.' A foggy day. Auctioneer in overcoat and hat stands on a step-ladder holing a g...
I. 'WOMEN LAND WORKERS. Appeals are made by the Government for help on the land. Some of the women who have answered their country's call.' Men at work in a field of tobacco - they are cutting down th...
I. 'BARRAGE FIRE. Owing to the wonderful accuracy and rapidity of fire, the French 75 m/m gun is extreamely (sic) useful for 'barrage fire' in preventing trench raids.' Rear 3/4 and rear view of 75mm ...
I. 'FRENCH AVIATION CAMP. General Maistre visits an aerodrome in Soissons and inspects the fighting planes.' General Maistre and his retinue walk along a line of Nieuport XVII fighters parked on a gra...
I. 'WAR'S DEVASTATION. German prisoners employed in reconstruction work at Ribécourt 35 Kilometres behind the firing line.' LS pan as men move about with wheelbarrows shifting earth - ruined village ...
I. 'WATCH ROUMANIA. King Ferdinand holds a great review demonstrating that the Roumanian Armies are intact. With King Ferdinand of Rumania are General Berthelot and M. Thomas, French Minister of Munit...
Still with Carl de Vogt (on the left, sitting)
Paul Wegener
Alice Verden, Erich Ponto (both front)
Golem-figures by sculptor Rudolf Belling
Still from "Auf den Trümmern des Paradieses"
Still from "Der Film von der Königin Luise. 3. Abteilung: Die Königin der Schmerzen"
Alice Verden
Szene mit Henny Porten, Eduard von Winterstein (vorne), Lupu Pick (hinten, 4.v.l.)
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. -- Roč. 1, č. 1 (březen 1919)-35 (29.12.1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Týdeník Syndikátu f...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. -- Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the F...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...