I. 'COATBRIDGE CARNIVAL: Wounded Scotch (sic) soldiers being well looked after by Scotch (sic) lassies at the carnival in aid of limbless soldiers and sailors'. Scottish band playing. Food and drink a...
I. 'SOUTH LONDON HEROES. Dr. Taylor the Bishop of Kingston unveils a War Shrine in memory of local heroes at St. Mark's Kennington'. Boy Scout band marches through the gates to Saint Mark's - Oval tub...
I. 'THE KING OF GREECE. His Majesty the King of Greece visits a hospital ship.' Honour guard of Greek sailors march along quayside (each holds his Mannlicher rifle very high, the breech resting on the...
I. 'THE ARMIES OF THE ALLIES. An interesting group of the nationalities fighting the Central Powers in the Balkans. British, French, Russian, Italian, Serbian, Indian, Cretan, Senegalese, Greek, and A...
I. 'FIGHTING DISEASE. Troops in the Balkans being inoculated against enteric etc., before going up to the Front.' Australian troops stand in line in the open-air, left shirt sleeves rolled up to recei...
I. 'CAPTURED GERMANS. German prisoners of war captured by the French and Serbian Troops in the offensive which is being made towards Monastir.' German POWs fall in on station platform - the wagons of ...
I. 'WIRELESS AT THE FRONT. Fixing up a temporary station which enables the officers to keep in touch with the Headquarters Staff.' Two Australian soldiers start up horse-drawn generator. CU of the gen...
I. 'SERBIAN TRANSPORT. Serbs bringing up ammunition and stores on pack mules, for the Serbian Army in Macedonia.' MS as a long column of pack mules passes over a wooden trestle bridge. To the rear of ...
The battle of Zborov: A group of soldiers during the assault.
The battle of Zborov: Soldiers overcoming barriers with barbed wires.
The battle of Zborov: Four soldiers run out a trench.
The battle of Zborov: A system of trenches with soldiers.
The battle of Zborov: Volunteers in the trench before the assault.
The battle of Zborov: Four Austrian soldiers in gasmasks.
The battle of Zborov: Four Austrian soldiers in the trench with gasmask cases around their necks.
The battle of Zborov: An injured soldier in the barbed wire barrier.
Horst Emscher, Der Film im Dienste der Politik, Der Kinematograph, 410, (1914), S. 15-16. Der Autor hebt hervor, dass die Kriegsführung auf publizistischer Ebene, mit der die Meinung des Auslands bee...
Edgar Költsch, Die Vorteile durch den Krieg für das Kinotheater, Der Kinematograph, 407, (1914), S. 11-12. Auch wenn es nicht so aussehe, habe das Kino durch den Krieg einen Aufschwung erlebt. Insbe...
Kritik aus Breslauer Zeitung (15.07.1917) zu Der Golem und die Tänzerin.
Monopolfilm-Vertriebs-GmbH..“Patriotisches Kriegs-Programm.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 5. Werbung für das aktuelle Filmprogramm der Monopolfilm GmbH.
Der Krieg auf der Ranch !, Der Kinematograph, 701 /02, (1920). Werbung für einen Western.
Das Wichtigste der Woche, Der Kinematograph, 670, (1919), S. 25-26. Seit dem 2.11.1919 gebe es in Berlin eine freiwillige Filmzensur. Die USPD habe im Reichstag den Antrag gemacht, die Kinos zu versta...