The teams come out into the crowded stadium. Admiral Sims presents the ball and throws in the first ball, after which the game starts to the cheers of the crowd.The Iris steams towards the camera into...
Lyttelton, in full dress uniform, watches while the Pensioners march past him in twos in the grounds of the hospital. He inspects them, and talks to those who, due to age, have remained seated. There ...
The party tables stretch up and down the street. Helpers give gifts and cards to the children.Plumer (back to camera) pins the medals on the line of four nurses. The captions say that the nurses are r...
Princess Patricia is presented with a bouquet by a small girl. With the princess is the Duke of Connaught, a clergyman, and various officials. She 'christens' the aircraft, a Sopwith Camel which has t...
Work is in progress for the opening of an exhibition of British official war photographs at the galleries. The photographs are blow-ups to life size, including one which is meant to be the largest in ...
The artist, Bert Thomas, supervises the construction of the poster. It is a mural of the Spanish Armada urging people to buy War Bonds as a defence against a comparable threat from Germany.Allenby ins...
Lord Rhondda, the Minister of Food, arrives by car. With him is the Mayor of West Ham, Mr Will Thorne MP. A crowd of men, women and children queue with jugs at the kitchen windows to have soup dispens...
The Queen in her open carriage drives down the hill from Windsor Castle (visible in the background) past an honour guard of the Coldstream Guards to where flowers are arranged on stalls on either side...
Alice Verden
Still from "Christa Hartungen"
Gustav Fröhlich, Lars Hanson (from left to right)
Ossi Oswalda, Julius Dewald
Screenshot from "Die Lokomobil-Fabrik R. Wolf Magdeburg-Buckau"
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Alice Verden, Erich Ponto
Still from "Reingefallen"
Horst Emscher, Der Film im Dienste der Politik, Der Kinematograph, 410, (1914), S. 15-16. Der Autor hebt hervor, dass die Kriegsführung auf publizistischer Ebene, mit der die Meinung des Auslands bee...
Edgar Költsch, Die Vorteile durch den Krieg für das Kinotheater, Der Kinematograph, 407, (1914), S. 11-12. Auch wenn es nicht so aussehe, habe das Kino durch den Krieg einen Aufschwung erlebt. Insbe...
Kritik aus Breslauer Zeitung (15.07.1917) zu Der Golem und die Tänzerin.
Monopolfilm-Vertriebs-GmbH..“Patriotisches Kriegs-Programm.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 5. Werbung für das aktuelle Filmprogramm der Monopolfilm GmbH.
Der Krieg auf der Ranch !, Der Kinematograph, 701 /02, (1920). Werbung für einen Western.
Das Wichtigste der Woche, Der Kinematograph, 670, (1919), S. 25-26. Seit dem 2.11.1919 gebe es in Berlin eine freiwillige Filmzensur. Die USPD habe im Reichstag den Antrag gemacht, die Kinos zu versta...