The film is described in its opening captions as one of a series for naval cadets. It opens with a Fairey FIII seaplane with 190hp engine taxiing through the water. A King Edward Class battleship and ...
Colonel Samson is not clearly visible in the film. The DH4, fitted with floats and no wheels, taxies through the water behind a Felixstowe flying boat, which takes off ahead of it. The DH4 then thrott...
I. Newsreel item on a march of the Women's Land Army through the centre of Winchester and past the watching mayor, January 1918.II. Newsreel item on Arab workers in Palestine loading horse fodder into...
I. The soldiers are drawn up on parade. Connaught walks past them, talking to some of them. Of the British officers (presumably training staff) escorting him round, one has lost an arm and another wal...
The men of the battalion carry a Star of David flag, and despite the rain have drawn quite a crowd to cheer them. They come level with the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor waits to receive them as t...
In the streets of Glasgow the crowds cheer and wave Union Jacks, good naturedly jostling the camera, which is down at street level with them. In Dublin the celebrations are more restrained, consisting...
The Prince's cutter comes alongside the flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth and he comes up the gangplank and onto the quarterdeck. The Prince is wearing admiral's uniform. He exchanges salutes with Admiral ...
The children have had their school desks set out in the playground. A teacher chalks on a blackboard a "letter" for them to copy out to Mr Hoover, while he watches. The children cheer the US flag and ...
Still from "Das blaue Zimmer"
Henny Porten, Alexander von Antalffy
Still with Asta Nielsen
Still from "Paragraph 80, Absatz II"
Still with Alice Verden, Erich Ponto (both on the left)
Still with Alexander von Antalffy (on the left)
Still from "Die rätselhafte Sphinx"
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Jean Th. Lommen, Film- und Kinoschund, Der Kinematograph, 690/91, (1920), S. 35-41. Die Presse äußere sich vor allem negativ über den Film. Die Kritik der Kinogegner richte sich vor allem gegen Kri...
Stein, O. Th.. "Der Kinematograph als moderne Zeitung." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 2 (1913/1914): 25-28. Stein beschreibt die Wochenschau in den Kinos als sch...
O. Verf.. „Kinotheaterwesen und deutscher Einfluss im östlichen Mittelmeer.“ Der Kinematograph 374 (1914). Obwohl es im Rahmen des Bagdadbahnprojekts zur verstärkten Gründung von Kinos durch de...
O. Verf.. „Schliesst die Kinos nicht.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 3-4. Aufruf an die Kinoindustrie, die Kinos nicht zu schließen, da das Volk in Kriegszeiten Ablenkung brauche. Die Eintrittspr...
Die Schaffnerin der Linie 6. Ein neuzeitliches Lebensbild, Der Kinematograph, 464, (1915), S. 17-19. Werbung für einen Film, der die kriegsbedingte zunehmende Beschäftigung von Frauen in der Öffent...
Emscher, Horst: „Der Krieg und die deutsche Filmindustrie.“ Der Kinematograph 404 (1914): 5-6. Erörterung der wirtschaftlichen Lage der deutschen Filmindustrie. Entgegnet dem Vorwurf, dass die Be...
Sellmann, Adolf. "Neue Lehrhafte Filme (Von Mitte August bis Anfang Oktober)", Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 1 (1913/1914): 20-22. A.S. stellt die neuesten Lehrf...