Medlemmer af Kystartilleriets L soldaterforening, KAF, forsamlet til parade på Kastellet. Honnør for fanen. Der afsejles fra havnen, sandsynligvis for at besøge et søfort. Opstilling til fotografe...
Soldater gør gymnastik på Kløvermarken, kraftspring, spring over "hest". Soldater bygger pontonbro. Fægtning til hest. Ridebanespring. Husarer til hest. Hestetrukken feltartilleri. Kanoner affyres...
Militærrevy på en regn fuld dag på fælleden i København. Større militærparade defilerer forbi.De kongelige overværer paraden. Det er sandsynligvis iFrederik VilIs tid. Cirka i 1910.
En torpedobåd sejler ud af Københavns havn.
Flåden. Undervandsbåd fra Den kongelige Marine sejler ud af Københavns havn. Ibaggrunden ses Trekroner fortet.
Dansk undervandsbåd sejler ud af Københavns havn. Ubåden dykker ned i øresund. Torpedoer bringes ombord.
Luftbilleder af København. Amager land. Flyvetur over søerne, banegårdsterrænet mod Christiansborg, Dronning Louises bro, Nørrebro med Assistens kirkegård øverst i billedet. Frederiksberg have,...
Flyvning. Flyvestævne på Kløvermarken. Biplaner starter og lander. Maskine looper i luften. Nær af maskine mærket "Dansk Luft Reden", og piloter. Faldskærmsudspring. "Sundflyvning". Flyvemaskine...
Mother of Jiří Voldán (actress: Marie Ptáková) between two policemen in uniforms. Behind her stands secret policeman.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.
Medium close-up of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová), Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) in uniform, and his wife Lída (actress: Marie Rosůlková). The women are looking at each o...
Panorama of the city of Brno (one of the film's settings) with the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on the horizon.
Panorama of the city of Brno (one of the film's settings) with a railway station in the foreground and the top of Špilberk castle on the horizon. The cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul protrudes up o...
View of a doctor's office. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) sits at a desk and Dr. Klíma (actor: Karel Veverka) sits opposite him with the newspaper Národní politika in his hand. On the des...
Wide shot of a standing train occupied by Russian officers and regular soldiers. A group of Austrian soldiers stands in front of the train. Several of them are wearing armbands of the Red Cross.
Medium shot of an operating room. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) stands on the left with a syringe in his hand. Next to him are Dr. Klíma (actor: Karel Veverka) and Nurse Tonička (actress:...
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)