Documentary which outlines some of the stages of the conflict.
The film documents some of the military operations of the Italian soldiers on the Adamello.
Propaganda film made by Luca Comerio (Editions of Propaganda) for subscription to the First World War.
The film shows the conquest of the city of Misrata during the Italo-Turkish War. The battle was fought between June and July of 1912.
Actuality Comerio about the life of Ascari on Eritrea.
Fragment of unidentified movie showing a reconnaissance patrol.
The 4th regiment of tirailleurs (specialized infantrymen) parade through a village (1): nouba music, weapons in the square, assault exercises, the "horse-man" celebration and dance, juggling with rifl...
A soldier tells young children, with simple words, the story of the Battle of Verdun.
The battle of Zborov: Three soldiers in the trench, Tomeš in the middle.
The battle of Zborov: A soldier gives to smell a rotten can to his sleeping friend.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers in the trench with stuffy noses. One of them holds a rotten can.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers sit in the trench.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers hidden in the trench.
An office with two sitting Russian generals (on the left Rudolf Medek - author of the synopsis). Tomeš registers himself as a volunteer.
A documentary part: First days of the independent Czechoslovak Republic - František Udržal speaks to the gathering of people in front of the monument of Jan Hus.
Horst Emscher, Der Film im Dienste der Politik, Der Kinematograph, 410, (1914), S. 15-16. Der Autor hebt hervor, dass die Kriegsführung auf publizistischer Ebene, mit der die Meinung des Auslands bee...
Edgar Költsch, Die Vorteile durch den Krieg für das Kinotheater, Der Kinematograph, 407, (1914), S. 11-12. Auch wenn es nicht so aussehe, habe das Kino durch den Krieg einen Aufschwung erlebt. Insbe...
Kritik aus Breslauer Zeitung (15.07.1917) zu Der Golem und die Tänzerin.
Monopolfilm-Vertriebs-GmbH..“Patriotisches Kriegs-Programm.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 5. Werbung für das aktuelle Filmprogramm der Monopolfilm GmbH.
Der Krieg auf der Ranch !, Der Kinematograph, 701 /02, (1920). Werbung für einen Western.
Das Wichtigste der Woche, Der Kinematograph, 670, (1919), S. 25-26. Seit dem 2.11.1919 gebe es in Berlin eine freiwillige Filmzensur. Die USPD habe im Reichstag den Antrag gemacht, die Kinos zu versta...