The syrup is collected in March, when the farmer drills a small hole in the tree then attaches a wooden "spile" for the sap to flow out of, and a bucket in which the sap is collected. The sap from sev...
The film appears to start in Calcutta with street scenes, and views of some of the buildings, both Western and Eastern in influence. A funeral procession takes place, ending at the river. Further inla...
A man in the uniform of an RFC flight sergeant prepares the camera on a workbench. First the lens cap is removed and the lens cleaned. Then he sets the blind aperture and the exposure indicator to zer...
The cadets, on the ground, study maps. Two of them climb out of a Bristol F2B Fighter after a training flight. One has his parachute harness checked. Another tries to control his parachute on the grou...
A Vickers Virginia bomber is set up to be fired from one of the catapults. First, a pilot gets into a smaller aircraft, a Fairey IIIF (not a seaplane) which is launched by one version of the catapult,...
A Vickers Virginia bomber is launched from the catapult. On the second launch the camera shows the view from the front of the bomber as it flies forward out of the catapult.
Newsreel item on expe...
The aircraft comes in to land at Cranwell and taxies to a halt. The crew members, Squadron Leader A G Jones-Williams and Flight Lieutenant N H Jenkins, are congratulated on their flight, which took 50...
The Germans lost eleven Zeppelins in the course of the raid, five of them over France. First, the wreck of one of the airships is inspected by French soldiers, while two of the aircraft which shot it ...
Hammering nails into flagpole of Czech legion and ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) in Kiev.
Ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) of Czech legion in Kiev.
Mobilization in Great Britain. Ceremonial march of British military band in traditional fur hats.
Mobilization in Germany: Train with military equipment rides on front.
Czechoslovak volunteers are welcome in Chicago expants living in the USA.
A general view of the events in front of the snow-covered railway station in Irkutsk.
Smoking soldier at the door wagon with the inscription "Gunsmith wokshop, 3rd Regiment."
Technical troops maintained in good repair railway tracks - covering the underside of rails.
Warstat, W.. „Kino und Schule. Von Prof. Dr. A. Sellmann.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,5 (1913/1914): 116-117. Der Rezensent sieht die Verwendung von Filmen...
Kriegsecho in der Kinomusik, Der Kinematograph, 411, (1914), S. 18-19. Bericht über die musikalische Untermalung von Kriegsaufnahmen durch die Kinoorchester, die oft als störend empfunden würden.
Gedanken zur Lustbarkeitssteuer, Der Kinematograph, 694, (1920), S. 24-25. Plädoyer gegen die maßlos hohen Lustbarkeitssteuern, die Kulturschaffende in eine präkere Lage versetzen würden. Kino- un...
Hilda Blaschitz. „Tirol in Waffen (Andreas Hofer).“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,8 (1913/1914): 207-208. Blaschitz lobt den Film und hebt insbesondere hervor...