Trykkeri, sætteri. Ugebladet "Hjemmet" fra den 2. marts 1916 bliver sat. Hele den typografiske proces følges. Trykningen i store maskiner.
Stort opbud af det officielle Danmark i forbindelse med Rigsdagens åbning ca. 1918. Garderhusarer følger efter de kongeliges kareter. Kong Christian og dronning Alexandrine i åben vogn. Det ser ud ...
Første verdenskrig. Vue over krigsfangelejren ved Hald i Jylland om vinteren. Det er tilsyneladende mest østrigske soldater der ses som krigsfanger her. Sygeplejerske passer sårede sengeliggende so...
Første verdenskrig. Krigsfanger. Russiske soldater i krigsfangelejren i Horserød. Soldaterne er beskæftiget med billardspil. Stuegang på infirmeriet. Læger og sygeplejersker. Festmåltid for offi...
Efter første verdenskrig ankommer Sønderjyske krigsfanger den 15. marts 1919 til Københavns havn ombord på S/S Primula. Stor modtagelse på havnen. Der råbes hurra. Københavns havn isfyldt. Skib...
The battle of Zborov: A group of soldiers during the assault.
The battle of Zborov: Soldiers overcoming barriers with barbed wires.
The battle of Zborov: Four soldiers run out a trench.
The battle of Zborov: A system of trenches with soldiers.
The battle of Zborov: Volunteers in the trench before the assault.
The battle of Zborov: Four Austrian soldiers in gasmasks.
The battle of Zborov: Four Austrian soldiers in the trench with gasmask cases around their necks.
The battle of Zborov: An injured soldier in the barbed wire barrier.
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)