Sanz the ventriloquist presents a show sparring his automata, which he gives movement and voice, providing them with their own personality. The naughty boy, the teacher, the old couple, the gentleman,...
The film is a miscellany of life shooting, related to the first conflict, showing: scenes of provisions using military vehicles with engine or pulled by horses in country and city roads; shootings of ...
In the beginning of this film, the camera is directed from the best known Zagreb café of its time out towards the street, from where a large group of adults and children are inquisitively looking thr...
Towns devasted by the war: San Martino del Carso; General Cadorna in the trenches of the Carso; General Cadorna and General Nivelle
Imperial army advances on the Isonzo front.
Scenes of battles, trenches, wounded and prisoners
Towns devasted by the war: San Martino del Carso; General Cadorna in the trenches of the Carso; General Cadorna and General Nivelle
Scenes of battles, trenches, wounded and prisoners
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform).
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
Mobilization in Germany. German soldiers wave from the windows of the train before leaving for the front.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers relax - a run competition.
Technical troops maintained in good repair railway tracks - covering the underside of rails.
A monument with a stone lion - a symbol of Czech statehood- on the grave of fallen volunteers.
Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk after his arrival in the country. On the monument of Jan Hus is a banner with the slogan "People of Jan Hus".
Egon Jacobsohn, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 652, (1919), S. 21. "Die Welt, der große Kuppler" wird als kitschig und misslungen bewertet, ebenso "Die Postanweisung". "Ich...
F. Felix, Krieg den Kriegsdramen, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV, 4/5, (1914/1915), S. 91-93. Polemik gegen die Verarbeitung der Kriegsereignisse im Film und gegen...
Traugott Schalcher, Patriotische Films und Filmpatrioten, Das Lichtbildtheater, 6.Jg, Nr.30, (1914). Bericht darüber, dass in Frankreich patriotische Filme einen Aufschwung erleben würden, während ...
O. Verf.. „Auswüchse in der Reklame der Lichtbildtheater.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,1 (1913/1914): 24. Die Stadt Bamberg habe eine Verordnung erlassen, ...
Richard Ostwald Film GmbH, Anders als die Andern (§ 175), Der Kinematograph, 635, (1919), S. 34.
Richard Ostwald Film GmbH, Die Prostitution, Lichtbildbühne, 50, (1918), S. 74-75. Werbung für einen Film über die Prostitution.