In November 1917 there was a meeting in Kristiania (Oslo) with the three Scandinavian kings: Sweden's King Gustav, Denmark's King Christian, and Norway's King Haakon. The film shows the arrival of th...
Bassano (province of Vicenza, Veneto) is a small city famous for its bridge, alpine soldiers, grappa and Monte Grappa. It is an architectural gem: towers, palaces, frescoes, streets with old-fas...
An evening at winter’s end: in Veneto, in the countryside of Treviso (in Zero Branco) the farmers have prepared bonfires for the feast of bread and wine, a propitiatory rite for a good year. T...
An investigation of Africans who have permanently settled in Italy: an Afro-Italian who participated as a lieutenant colonel in the first Italian invasion of Africa; an Ethiopian marshal who liv...
Baron Felix and Madame Vera Wadjevska, a pair of con artists, have gotten their hands on a manor in Oslo, after stealing the deceased owner's identity papers while abroad. The dead man's nephew, Helge...
This documentary is dedicated to Luigi Mercantini’s poetry and to the events of the Risorgimento related to it. Particular reference is made to “Spigolatrice di Sapri” and to “Inno di Ga...
The life of the philosopher Antonio Rosmini in the historical, political and cultural dimensions of the Risorgimento.
The history and life of the military corps the Grenadiers of Sardinia.
From 1891 to 1945, a popular form of iconography thrived next to the official one documenting Italy’s political and social life. This alternative iconography can be found in humorous and satir...
Barbarians outside: yesterday as today. Who have centuries of civilization gone by for? Not even appearance has altered the Norman in his barbarism. This great work from the Ambrosio hotbed admi...
Newsreel item on snow conditions in Flanders, showing the cameraman's car stuck in a snowdrift, and soldiers having a snowball fight, Western Front, January 1918.
Short newsreel item on Venice during the First World War, focusing in particular on Venice's canal network, used to transport men and munitions.
An unidentified news report about various aspects of the First World War. Great emphasis is being placed on the British Army and the recruitment of soldiers.
The film reconstructs the repulse of a German column charge by British rifle and field artillery fire in the centre of the battlefield, and then the defence of Nimy bridge on the left by 4th Royal Fus...
Animation film by Dusan Vukotic, one of the major Croatian animators and co-founder of Zagreb Film. A charming story about an old magician and all sorts of magic creatures that end up in the world of ...
Ralph and Edith Norton, two Protestant missionaries from Philadelphia, came to Britain for a period of three years to provide assistance to refugees and wounded Belgian soldiers from the war zone. Mon...
En frygtelig forbryder hærger byen dobbelt frygteligt, fordi han intet sted efterlader noget spor, der kan give politiet nogetsomhelst vink med hensyn til, hvem han er, hvordan han ser ud, eller hvor...
Faktuel film om dyrkning af den danske jord. Lidt om uddanelsen af landmanden. Landbruget er kun lidt mekanisk drevet, men hovedsageligt er redskaberne drevet af hesteforspand.Afslutningsvist ses for...
Johannes Wolfgang og hans hustru Helene lever i stor fattigdom. Han er violinbygger af profession, men skønt han - hjulpet af sin gamle far - slider i det fra morgen til aften, vil forretningen ikke ...
Syge- og ulykkesforsikringsagent Schwindelmeyer er en meget smart herre, og hans hustru, Fru Adelaide, står ikke tilbage for ham i smartness. Da Schwindelmeyer hurtig er bleven klar over, at det er e...
Inspektør Groot for tugthuset modtager svar på en ansøgning, han har indsendt til Justitsministeriet. Han er en ivrig repræsentant for den moderne straffepleje og har ansøgt ministeriet om tillad...
Det er i efteråret engang i 1800-tallet. Ejeren af gæstgiverstedet, Hotel "Paradis", i den lille by Kirchhausen, Heinrich Schultze, befinder sig i en meget trykket økonomisk situation, da han ikke ...