I. Todor Zhivkov visits the Blagoevgrad district. Bansko. The library. Meeting. Co-operatives speak. T. Zhivkov speaks. – II. Footage from the documentary "The Spring of a Friendship" about Todor Zh...
I. A speech by the Minister of Transport Grigor Stoichkov. Double railway line Karnobat–Zimnitsa.– II. Photo of the family of the poet Geo Milev. An evening dedicated to the 75th anniversary of th...
I. Military maneuvers. – II. General Atanas Semerdjiev speaks at a meeting for the occasion of the Day of the Bulgarian National Army. – III. Ceremonial dawn. – IV. The partisan movement - photo...
I. Footage from the Israeli military operation "Grab and Kill" in Lebanon. Tanks. Bombings. Shootouts. – II. Turkmenistan. Views from the capital Ashgabat. Oil reserves, sand, oil refineries. Kara K...
I. City of Byala. Celebration on the occasion of Builder's Day - July 14. Speaking is Pencho Kubadinski, deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Opening of a monument to master Kolyo Ficheto. �...
I. Commemorating 30 years since the death of Emil Shekerdzijski. His photographs and books. Documents from his time in prison. The location where he died. His memorial. – II. Kremikovtsi. The metall...
I. Brigade leaders pick tomatoes. The tractor carries the baskets of tomatoes. Brigade leaders pick grapes. They trade baskets. The vineyards of APK "G.Dimitrov" - grape harvesters "K-1". The vineyard...
Dedicated to the Radonov family in the city of Bansko