A romantic woman from Corfu, Rinoula (Rena Vlachopoulou), is invited to Athens by her uncle, without knowing that her uncle intends to marry her off to a partner of his. The prospective groom, however...
A free adaptation of Alexander Dumas’ famous novel, The Lady of the Camellias. The main character is a charming painter, Dimitris Perotis. Coming from a good family of the country, he meets a girl o...
A journalist (Alkis Panagiotidis) investigates a case of human organ trafficking and gets entangled in a series of adventures, blunders and unforeseen events, reminiscent of a T.V. soap opera. The ric...
A singer (Tolis Voskopoulos) falls in love with the daughter (Niki Triantafyllidi) of a famous lawyer (Vasilis Andreopoulos). But the singer’s father (Lavrentis Dianelos) holds the lawyer responsibl...
Aris, a race driver, meets a guy who looks incredibly like him. With evident curiosity he tries to find out, from his friend Dimitris, who this identical “stranger” is. He finds out that his name ...
Aris, Nikos Kourkoulos, is released from prison after three years, and he turns up at Troumpa, a slum area in Piraeus. His purpose is not to settle his own accounts but to find out if Lola (Tzeni Kare...