This is film is based on the novel “La Lupa (The She-Wolf)”, which was written by Giovanni Verga. A widow returns to her birth place, where she falls in love with a young man, whom her daughter al...
Two friends (Takis Moschos and Minas Chatzisavvas) live together in the house which was turned over to them by a third friend (Thanasis Mylonas). They follow a peculiar rhythm of life, spending their ...
The film narrates the funny incidents in a day in the life of a Greek employee (Petros Zarkadis) during his day-off. The petty vanity of actions and behaviors, the irrationality and the chaotic bureau...
A young chemist is looking for a job. First, he goes to a small company, a private family business run by a woman. The organizational level of that business is rudimentary, so the young man becomes di...