The film is set in Lamia in 1942. After executing a mission of sabotage against the German occupiers, a Greek-Australian reserve officer named Nikolas Barmpas, who has come to Greece from the Middle E...
A widowed taverna owner (Petros Kyriakos) tries to improve himself in order to please the aristocratic family of his son's (Giorgos Kampanellis) wife (Gkelly Mavropoulou). He manages to change things ...
A peaceful greengrocer (Petros Kyriakos), after being persistently pressured by his wife (Smaro Stefanidou), agrees to use the gold sovereigns that his now-deceased Jewish partner had hidden in the ba...
Three poor friends (Iakovos Kampanellis, Michalis Nikolinakos and Andreas Barkoulis) hope that they can make it in their lives. One day, they meet three young women (Irene Papas, Ntora Giannakopoulou ...
Petros, the son of the industrialist Tsamis, is in love with factory worker Martha, but their wedding is cancelled because of the strong opposition and scheming of his father. Martha’s mother dies; ...
Miranta (Jenny Karezi) is a rich and spoilt daughter of an Athenian businessman. She accompanies her father to Mesolonggi, where they have fish farms in the best areas of the salt marshes. The local f...
Set in 6th century Byzantium, when the Emperor Michael II calls for an assembly to choose a wife for Regent Theofilos, who is charmed by the nineteen-year-old princess Kassiani. In the end, he chooses...
Dimitris returns to his home island after a seven-year absence only to find the woman he loves, Marina, married to the son of the tough moneylender, Nikolis, whose fault it was that Marina’s father,...
The poster is dominated by the figures of the three leading actors, Gkely Mavropoulou, Stefanos Stratigos and Giorgos Kampanellis. G. Mavropoulou is looking at the two men, while below the portraits o...