A director, going through an existential and creative crisis, tries to conceive and write a screenplay for his new film. He makes up a story where the protagonist is a successful man in an existential...
The story of the submarine “Papanikolis” and its activity during the Greek-Italian war. The Captain Miltos Iatridis (Kostas Kazakos) and the Lieutenant Vasilis Aslanoglou (Giannis Fertis) guide th...
After losing her father, Katerina (Martha Vourtsi) arrives in Athens from the provinces, hoping to solve her serious financial problems. She wants to take care of her brother, who is injured, and to c...
A provincial café owner, Mimis, abandons his village in Chalkidiki and comes to Athens in search of a better life. He pretends to be a tough guy, a know-it-all, and behaves like an “antisocial”. ...
During a legal fight over a piece of land somewhere in the countryside - seven people, a mother with her son, her daughter and her family, and a businessman involved in a homosexual relationship with ...
Two young film directors and friends, Giorgos and Kostas, have already lost quite a lot of money with their artistically ambitious films. So, in order to survive, they are forced to film advertising s...
The stories of eight Athenians who seek sexual and erotic fulfillment through odd practices, which lead to tragicomic situations. The intersection of these characters’ stories lead to a tragic endi...
On her engagement day, a woman, Anna (Jenny Karezi), loses her fiancé (Kostas Kazakos), her father and her brother when they all go to fight against the Italians. Her family suffers a blow when the G...