Documentary that follows the preservation process of the Acropolis monuments from 1973 to 1986. It imprints the slow pace of the labour and the gradual changes, as well as the tenseness of the scienti...
A young man from the island of Lesbos goes to Athens to study. His father gives him all the money he has for his studies. After the young man gets his degree, with honors, he realizes he can’t easil...
A documentary, divided into chapters, about the life of the inmates of the asylum on Leros. The documentary aligns with the point of view of anti-psychiatry that considers the mentally ill as victims ...
A documentary, divided into “chapters”, about the life of the inmates of the asylum on Leros. From the point of view that the mentally ill are victims of social oppression, the film turns a harsh ...
At a luxurious hotel various women spend their summer holidays trying, each one in her own way, to find the love of their life or solve the problems of a love affair. Through various misunderstandings...
The wife of an alcoholic and mother of four (Toula Stathopoulou) is a factory worker in Corfu at the beginning of the 20th century. A fallen noble man who has fallen on hard times (Stratis Tsopanellis...
A fanatic film buff (Antonis Kafetzopoulos) meets Silena (Eva Vlachakou) - who looks like the girl he used to spy on in the past. Determined to live with her all the moments that he used to observe se...
Three marginalized types (Dimitris Poulikakos, Thekla Tselepi and Konstantinos Christidis) are constantly challenging the establishment. Their lives are filled with love, adventure and humor. When the...