A young drug addict (Panos Michalopoulos) tells his story on a television program, recounting the death of his friend (Stamatis Gardelis) and the personal drama of young kids who are drawn into a life...
A young man (Stamatis Gardelis) becomes a drug addict. When he dies from an overdose, his drop-out brother (Alberto Eskenazy) goes after those responsible for his brother’s death.
Two friends (Stamatis Gardelis and Giorgos Rigas) are the leaders of a gang of naughty students who harass their teachers and their headmaster (Mimis Fotopoulos). The teachers, in order to control the...
The headmaster of the school (Mimis Fotopoulos) tries to control his students, who are harassing their new classmate (Sotiris Tzevelekos). He is transformed from a very quiet young boy to the teachers...
The schoolteachers believe that they had gotten rid of the rebellious students who had harassed them so much. But the students return to classes demanding to graduate without favors. Their leader now ...