A journalist (Alekos Alexandrakis), working together with a young director (Peris Michailidis), tries to gather information about a family that was separated due to political turmoil. They locate some...
A university student and member of a group of bikers, Charis, lives with his widowed mother in an Athenian apartment. With a telescope he frantically watches an older woman, Stella, who lives with her...
The struggle and heroic end of Grigorios Dikaios Flessas (Dimitris Papamichail) in Maniaki, during the fight with the troops of Ibrahim Pasha. The fighter is engraved in History as Papaflessas, the he...
Shortly before the end of the Civil War, in 1948, the villages along the border are evacuated to facilitate the National Army’s movements as well as to hamper those of the rebels. A forty-year-old v...