Voyage home of the armed merchantman „Wolf“ after a 15-month tour of duty in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The 1st officer, Lieutenant Commander Schmehl, on the command bridge; arrival ...
Basierend auf der gleichnamigen Fantasy-Kinderbuchreihe von Wolfgang Hohlbein. Der kleine Vampir Vlad ist nach dem Umzug mit seinem Vater Barnabas neu an der berühmten magischen Schule in Crailsfelde...
1. Zwischentitel: Ansichten der Werke und Vorgänge auf den Fabrikhöfen. Bild: Arbeiter strömen auf das Betriebsgelände, vereinzelt mit dem Fahrrad; Automobil, beladenes Pferdefuhrwerk; Panoramasc...
Loukia is a proud young woman, a descendant of a family which, thanks to a lingering vendetta, has almost died out. Although she is in love with Alexis, the last offspring of the rival family, who has...
Pantelis Kazouras is a low-ranking sailor with artistic tendencies. He is in love with Fani, but has lied to her about his true identity – he has introduced himself as sub-lieutenant Dimitris Georgi...
Faro di Wolf Rock
1 - battello si dirige verso il faro
2 - lancio di cavi per l'attracco
3 - persone e viveri passano dalla nave al faro attraverso i cavi
4 - il comandante del far...
Dimos (Kostas Mesaris) is a very good actor who has a passion for success and money. However, after a number of flops, he ends up drinking and gambling, ruining his life and career. He meets a young w...
Waldemar Kobus, Aaron Kissiov (left to right) in "Die Wolf-Gäng" (2020)
Szene mit Carl Auen (links)
Sonja Gerhardt, Rick Kavanian in "Die Wolf-Gäng" (2020)
Christian Berkel in "Die Wolf-Gäng" (2020)
Axel Stein in "Die Wolf-Gäng" (2020)
Szene aus "Wolf unter Schafen"
Szene mit Nico Wohllebe (rechts)
Aaron Kissiov, Arsseni Bultmann, Johanna Schraml (left to right) in "Die Wolf-Gäng" (2020)
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.
Letter from Wolf Brauner to Horst Wendlandt, 08 May 1958 regarding the shooting for "...und immer ruft das Herz".