The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The young Thymian, herself still a child, is seduced by her father′s assistant. After the birth of her illegitimate baby, her famil...
Szene mit Erna Morena (vorne)
Szene aus "Tagebuch einer Verlorenen" (Dreharbeiten)
Szene mit Louise Brooks (2.v.r.)
Edith Meinhard, Louise Brooks, Speedy Schlichter (v.l.n.r.)
Fritz Rasp
Louise Brooks (Mitte)
Szene mit Louise Brooks (3.v.r.), Kurt Gerron (2.v.r.)
Andrews Engelmann, Louise Brooks
Film-Kurier, 245/11
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film „Tagebuch einer Verlorenen“.
The provincial government of Prussia applied for revocation of permission of TAGEBUCH EINER VERLORENEN at the Censorship Headquarters in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was banned outri...