A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
Klara looks back on her 53 years long life in the woods of Siberia, the Taiga. She belongs to the Evenk people, who originally lived a nomad life in the Tiga as hunter-gathers. Today most Evenks live ...
14-year-old Jorgis is a gifted choir boy. The star voice of the Royal Chapel Choir. A few weeks before the choir's biggest concert, his vocal coach delivers a shocking note: Jorgis' voice is starting ...
Barney Richards is 37 years old. He lives with his mother in a provincial town. One night at the local discotheque he bumps into Gavin, an old aquaintance, who is doing well in the capital. Suddenly, ...
Riprese (da una finestra) di una manifestazione del movimento studentesco a Bologna in ricordo dei fatti del marzo 1977. Il corteo percorre via Zamboni con in testa uno striscione dedicato a Francesco...
Komödie nach dem Roman "Sir or Madame"? von
Documentary on the 20th anniversary of the Symphonic orchestra.
Une visite aux différentes demeures de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. La visite commence au Château de Stuyvenbergh, demeure de la Reine. La jardin, les fleurs, un petit bâtiment devant lequel se ...
Documentary in two parts about Amsterdam's ports Documentary about the activities in Amsterdam's ports. We see images of shipbuilding, of the shipping traffic on the IJ and the Amstel, and the transfe...
In preparion for war, German and French ships and hydroplanes are launched in Wilhelmshaven and Lorient. The war technology is depicted in an objective and proud manner, which today seems in stark con...
Spendid shots of the famous waterfalls filmed on the Canadian side and distributed at the time by the Belgian Cingraphique University, founded in 1926 and specialised in the distribution of documentar...
Melodrama, about a father and son sharing the love for the same charming girl. A dramatic night storm leads to jealousy and loss of honor.
Spanish writers and personalities devoted to their hobbies: reading, walking, painting or visiting a museum.
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
Melodrama about presumed adultery, jealousy and honour.
The film shows images from Rjukan and the surrounding area. We see narrow roads and sharp curves, the famous waterfall and the power plant, construction and industry, mountain dairy farming and reinde...
Freigabebescheinigung der FSK
Brief der Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin an das bayerische Innenministerium vom 17.11.1930.
Brief des bayerischen Innenministeriums mit Antrag auf Widerruf der Zulassung des Bildstreifens "Frauennot - Frauenglück" an die Filmoberprüfstelle Berlin vom 06.12.1930.
Italian screenplay (version from February 1968, excerpt) for "Kampf um Rom. 2. Teil: Der Verrat".
Internal correspondence regarding "Ein Mann muß nicht immer schön sein".
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "The Death-Ray Mirror of Doctor Mabuse".
Zensur, Oberprüfstelle O.1256, 5 Akte 1700 m. (1703 m. vor Zensur), Quelle: Jahrbuch, Jugendverbot.