Inga und Baldvin haben Ärger mit ihren Nachbarn. Der Grund: Der gewaltige Baum im geliebten Garten des Paares raubt den gut situierten Nachbarn die Sonne. Bald entwickelt sich aus der vermeintlich ha...
Dokumentarfilm über die Karriere des deutschen Profi-Basketballers Dirk Nowitzki, der in Amerika zum einem der erfolgreichsten Korbjäger der National Basketball Association (NBA) wurde. Der Film erz...
Ein israelischer Filmemacher reist in ein Dorf mitten in der Wüste, um in der dortigen Bibliothek seinen neuesten Film vorzustellen. Eigentlich hat er mit dem Projekt längst abgeschlossen und denkt ...
The film forms a contrast to the number of canting pictures or the silence existing round the period of the first six months after a child has been born. It takes up some of the problems that three di...
So close to the source is the jumping dancing stream of colours that no forms or shapes can be captured. The thunder of creation is so loud, so strong, that the joy of movement foreshadow future possi...
Questo documentario, girato da Capra tra il 6 e il 29 novembre del 1921, mostra l’incrociatore da guerra italiano Libia, “in visita” nel porto di San Francisco. I marinai italiani sono acc...
Storia del movimento pittorico dei Macchiaioli, formato da artisti che avevano partecipato al Risorgimento. I quadri vengono talvolta associati tramite montaggio a immagini contemporanee: la For...
La storia dei fratelli Carlo e Nello Rosselli raccontata attraverso testimonianze dirette di Maria Agostini, Fausto Nitti, Emilio Lussu e Ferruccio Parri.
Short film in which a child is playing with soldier puppets and falls asleep. In the following dream the puppets come to life, through animation.
Adventure film in which Lidia calls for the help of film hero Maciste. When she and her mom are being kidnapped, he manages to free them.
Newsreel item about a fashion show on behalf of a home for blind war victims. In a room several ladies are showing hats and clothes.
Circus drama about the dancer Nelly who has a lot of problems with men and is in search of her own happiness.
Melodrama in which a stepfather tries to get his hands on the inheritance of his two stepdaughters. When one of them dies, and the other sacrifies herself, he repents.
Daily production report No. 34, 09 June 1964 on the shooting of "Die Todesstrahlen des Dr. Mabuse".
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle".
Daily call sheet for 30 January 1989 for the shooting of "Der Rosengarten".
Daily call sheet for 02 March 1989 for the shooting of "Der Rosengarten".
Memo by Artur Brauner on the editing of "Der Rosengarten".
Script coverage on "Die Frühreifen" by Wolfgang Steinhardt.
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Du bist Musik".
French dialogue list (excerpt) for "Der Würger von Schloß Blackmoor".